Is Presenteeism a Bigger Bane Than Absenteeism?

Is Presenteeism a Bigger Bane Than Absenteeism?

In the modern workplace, absenteeism has long been viewed as a major productivity drain. However, a more insidious issue is gaining attention: presenteeism.

Unlike absenteeism, where employees are absent from work, presenteeism occurs when employees are physically present but not fully productive due to illness, stress, disengagement or sometimes bad attitude towards the workplace (which by the way is toxic). This hidden cost can have a significant impact on business performance and employee wellbeing.

Presenteeism is a real concern in today’s workplace, where being ‘at work’ doesn’t always mean ‘working effectively’.

William Booher

Presenteeism often results in lower productivity, increased errors, and higher risk of spreading illnesses to coworkers. It is a silent productivity killer that can be more detrimental than absenteeism because it is harder to detect and measure. While absenteeism is visible and straightforward to address, presenteeism requires a deeper understanding of workplace culture and employee health.

While we understand it is not easy to keep a track of presenteeism, from a system perspective 360TNA is capable of incorporating many checks and balances to enhance your workplace environment. Some ways to do this are mentioned below

Encourage regular breaks (360TNA can keep a tab on this), provide healthy snacks (unfortunately 360TNA cannot keep a track of how many snacks an employee had), and ensure the workspace is ergonomically designed.

Allow for remote work or flexible hours to accommodate employees; health needs (360TNA can manage this)

Create a culture where employees feel comfortable discussing their health issues without fear of repercussions – we have nothing to do with this. However, 360TNA Allowed Exceptions module is flexible enough for the HR dept to create some health-related exceptions.

Happiness exit feature is a major motivator to foster a healthy culture.

Offer wellness programs, mental health support, and access to healthcare services.

By addressing the root causes of presenteeism, companies can enhance productivity, improve employee morale, and create a healthier, more engaged workforce.

In conclusion, while absenteeism is an obvious challenge, tackling presenteeism is crucial for maintaining a productive and healthy workforce. Companies that proactively manage both will see a significant improvement in overall performance and employee satisfaction.